Monday, September 21, 2009

My Life...

Well...this is my first blog EVER! YAY! Jessica got me influenced to write something so I am. My life...well lets start from birth. My name is Megan Meuser. I was born in Rochester, Minnesota. My mom Debra Meuser was in the hospital 9 times before I was born. Well that should explain why I have such bad luck. I was born August 8th, 1991. When I was born, I had some complications, I couldn't breathe very well and the doctors noticed that my eyes were messed up. Being that my eyes were messed up, they tested me for Down Syndrome. But in that case, I was actually lucky. I can breathe and I do not have Down Syndrome. YAY! Well after a couple of weeks my Mom and Dad could actually hold me. After a while in Rochester I finally got to come home. My sister Brittany was staying at my Grandma and Grandpa Meuser's house. When it was time to actually come home, my sister wanted to leave me at my grandparents house. That's when it all started. My sister and I have fought ever since then. I blame her, because it started when I was just an infant.

Well after I get to about 3 or 4, I met our neighbor girl Nicole Timmerman. Nicole and I were BEST friends. We played outside everyday after school, before school. Whenever we could. Life was going great. My sister and nicole's sister were friends too. So life was great. Until...Brittany and Karina (nicoles sister) stopped being friends. Life was moving on and they just went seperate ways. Nicole and I stayed pretty strong. We were doing great all the way until 8th grade. Then all of a sudden my best friend Nicole moved to the cities to live with her brother. We rarely talk now. A couple of remember whens and I miss you. She is now off to college. I'm still a senior in high school. So life happend and we went our seperate ways. But we know that we will always be best friends.

Well once Nicole left, my friend Zoe invited me out to CSI-Crossroads Student Impact. Well then I met this girl Jessica Quinn. I thought she was so mean and horrible, I really didn't like her. She was so bubbly and hyper and EVERYONE liked her. I was super jealous. So I wanted to be her friend, but yet at the same time, I hated her. It was bad. We fought for probably 4 years. Well Jessica invited me to join her small group. I was like sure why not. Maybe we could be awesome friends after that. Well I got to know her and loved her heart. She's so awesome. I would of never known if she didn't invite me. So Jessica was moving on with life as well. We grew apart, but we still talked every once in a while. Jessica was introduced to Aaron Raatz. I didn't like him at first either, but this time, I didn't like him because I hate seeing my friend Jessica hurt. Well I decided I would give him a chance. Jessica started dating him. Then all of a sudden Jessica went to California to visit her dad. I missed her, but partly was just because I couldn't see her if I wanted to. She was all the way in California. Well she came back and that Sunday I got to see her. I was so happy, my friend was back. We were talking and it was normal. I mean we weren't best friends, we just talked and it was sweet. That day I was sitting on facebook and Amy sent me a message and asked how Jessica was. I was like...pretty good, just got back from California the night before. So I thought it was weird because Amy and Jessica dont' really talk. Well Amy informed me that Jessica had been in a horrible car accident. My heart totally sunk. I didn't know what to do. I called her, but then realized..she was just in a car accident, she won't answer my call. So I decided to text her, but wasn't getting a response. But she was just in a car accident and I just didn't know what to do or what to think. So I told my Mom and my Mom called to see if Jessica was there and she was. So it was confirmed for sure that my friend Jessica was in a car accident. I didn't have any idea how to handle myself. I just broke down crying. I didn't know if she was still alive. I saw the accident on the news and the car was horrible. So my reaction was that my friend Jessica was indeed dead. Not only Jessica, but Aaron too. Then as i'm watching the news, I got a text from Jessica. I was so happy to know that she was alive and so was Aaron. But then I found out that Dani was also in the accident. I wanted to know every detail, but Jessica didn't have time to tell me because she was going to rochester. I had no idea why. But i knew that she was alive. She told me that Aaron broke his hand and his leg and that he would have surgery late that night. Oh course I could NOT sleep until I knew that Aaron was ok. Knew that Jessica was ok. and Dani. So Jessica told me that Aaron was out of surgery and fine. That was a relief. Then I heard news that Jessica was coming home. That put a smile on my face. So that night I went to the hospital to see Aaron. See how he was doing. It made me sad to see him lay there in pain. Pain that nobody could take away. Later that week I went with Holly Raatz and Mick Quinn to see Dani in rochester. Everyone is doing pretty good. It's been 4 months and Jessica seems normal :-) and dani is good. Aaron it just starting to walk and his hand is good.

After that long and sad story... its what brought Jessica and I together. It sucks that the car accident brought us together, but its been great. We have gotten so close its amazing. This also brought me and Aly close friends too. Its cool to just hang out with Jessica, Aaron, Aly and I. I have learned to just be myself. Being myself has made me so happy. I dont pretend to be someone anymore. I can fully be myself.

So about 2 weeks ago. Jessica and Aaron invited Aly and I out to Aarons nieces birthday party. Fun. I was like ok..sure...we all get to hang out. Sounds like fun. Well we get there and Aaron starts up his 4 wheeler and his 3 wheeler. Well I am a chicken. I had never rode one before. So he asked if i wanted and ride and i was like...yeah, but i am super scared so Jessica, Aaron and I rode around for my first time. I couldn't of asked for anyone better to ride with. It was so much fun. So then i was like hey why not live dangerously! haha. So i rode the 3 wheeler with Aaron. Thinking hey he has a broken leg yet, he wont do anything too scary. Yeah, yet again i was wrong. All of a sudden Aaron asked if i was i was like sure...why not....and he did a wheelie! SCARY! But totally fun. It was one of the highlights of summer. I got to spend the whole summer hanging out my now BFF Jessica, Aly and Aaron.

Life seemed to be going great....until school started. When school started its hard to actually hang out. Jessica has college and work. I am school and work. Aly now has two jobs plus school. So we try to do something like once a month. What is the best part is that we all go to the same church. So we get to see each other every week. Its great. Cell phones are great too. We can talk that way too. Facebook is also great for most of us. facebook hates jessica n me. But I get to talk to Aaron and Aly!

So life is here...and life is hard. But I think I am living it the best was possible. I better get going now. But that's my thought for the day!

Please feel free to comment and follow me.

1 comment:

  1. oh no!! i THOUGHT i commented.. so not cool.. sorry..

    i think my original thought was.. "your a spaz" and that would explain why your friends with j. ;)

    keep writting. it suits you!
